11 February 2009

Economic Bailout

I've a thought on how we might rescue the American economy. My approach assures bipartisan support. Let me know what you think.

The problem with the bailout crafted in Congress at the bidding of the president is that it is dramatically partisan. Everyone seems to agree that the economy needs some stimulating from the government. Before Bush left office, there were a lot of republicans willing to support "spreading the wealth", though the trillions of dollars that they spent seemed to be all going to the already rich people who didn't know how to manage their money. Now that we have Obama as a president, the republicans are suddenly offended by the idea of using government money to support private industry. No matter that the previous packages signed by Bush were full of pork. Now the executive is in the hands of a democrat, and the republicans have become indignant. Well I'm here to bring unity.

We need a plan that will spread the wealth, to support democratic ideals, and simultaneously support conservative ideals. And all of that MUST stimulate the American economy.

My plan is based on a voucher system. Every American citizen will receive one or more vouchers. In order to ensure that we "spread the wealth" we will provide one voucher to every American making more than $100k per year. To those making between $50k and $100k, two vouchers. For those making between $25k and $50k, 3 vouchers. For those making under $25k, 4 vouchers.

Clearly, this is aligned with democratic values. We are helping the poor with 4 vouchers. The wealthy still benefit, though to a lesser extent. And I am willing to negotiate on the exact number of vouchers, and the associated pay scales.

Now what do the republicans get out of this plan? Well, that's where the redemption of vouchers comes in. Each voucher is redeemable for one (1) firearm of the bearer's choice. There are two be two restrictions on the weapon: 1) it must be manufactured in the United States, and 2) the bearer must be able to carry it.

No how can any self respecting republican argue against this plan? What better way to support the second amendment than to make sure that every American citizen is armed? You see, it is clearly going to gain bipartisan support.

This plan will stimulate the U.S. (weapons) manufacturing sector, creating new jobs. It will further stimulate the economy because all these new gun owners will need to purchase ammunition.

Now, how do we pay for this plan? Well, the increased tax revenue from ammunition sales will pay for it.

This is the perfect plan to stimulate the US economy, get Americans back to work, and make the United States once again the envy of the world.

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